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RealGUIDERealGUIDE with artificial intelligence is not only software, but also a complete digital PLATFORM.
Additional modules included
exocad DentalCAD 3.0 and 3.1
Modeling of abutments and screw-retained bridge restorations.
Modeling of standard and complex beams.
Creation of physical models based on digital impression data.
Modeling of occlusal caps.
Creation of crowns with "virtual preparation" based on the data of preoperative scans.
Realistic visualization of restorations.
Simulation of jaw movement taking into account dynamic occlusion.
Visualization of CT data during simulation.
Combination of patient photos, staging templates and digital setup.
Wide range of indications and functionality
Even the standard version of exocad DentalCAD covers a wide range of indications.
Anatomical crowns
Design beautiful and functional crowns with minimal effort using high quality tooth libraries.
Anatomical/plain caps
Starting with a complete anatomical model, you can take advantage of the cut-off technique to create matching copings.
You can add or remove attachment forms from a large library to your design.
Bridge frame
Full contour crowns, copings, bridge pontics or inlays can be combined with framework restorations.
Quick and easy modeling of beautiful inlays and onlays that look natural.
Get aesthetic results with just a few clicks. Several high quality tooth libraries are included.
Working with wax models
Ability to scan, edit and mill waxup. It is also possible to create a digital waxup.
Telescopic crowns
Exocad has a wide range of possibilities for modeling telescopic crowns.
EXO Workplace Product Requirements and Specifications
Example "Full Workstation" configuration for any use of an Exocad product
Minimum hardware configuration to run Exocad DentalCAD
Minimum hardware configuration to run Exoplan
Special video card requirements for PartialCAD
Special video card requirements for DICOM Viewer
Special video card requirements for ChairsideCAD
Software requirements
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (versions 1809, 1909, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2) 64-bit
Operating system requirements for DentalCAD 3.0
Galway Service Release 1 and ChairsideCAD 3.0 Galway (both from 2021):
Operating system requirements for DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka:
.Net DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka requirement:
Please be aware that on Windows 8 and 10, installation of the .Net 3.5 SP1 platform cannot be done using the .NET 3.5 SP1 installer due to Microsoft restrictions. To install correctly, check the Framework checkboxes in the Features menu of your operating system. For more information visit
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Peripherals/Human Interface Devices (HID)
Exocad software is designed for Windows based systems only, all virtual machine environments including Parallels are not supported. If you want to use a Mac, you must install Windows via Bootcamp, which requires an Intel Mac. If so, you must take care of it yourself and our support does not cover this.
Macs with Apple Silicon (Mx chip) do not support Windows via Bootcamp.
Please make sure you have the minimum hardware configuration requirements to run the software according to the information available on this page.
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